5S Audit Sheet

When you start 5S activities, you need to first set the baseline score so that at a later date, you can see how much have you progressed. In order to measure the current level, this 5S audit sheet comes very handy. You can rate the areas on all the 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke).

When you start the activity, you should rate the area on all the 5S, but when you prepare an improvement plan, you should ideally be focussing on preparing improvement plan for each of the 5S separately. Also based on the plan that you prepared when you monitor the improvement, you need to do the audit separately.

5S Audit Sheet

This is a two level audit. The first level audit should be done by the zone incharge, while the 2nd level audit should be done by the Head of the department (HOD). The score of the HOD is considered to the final. The scores of these two audits have to mentioned in the respective columns. Based on the HOD score, the radar chart will automatically update, giving you the indication of the areas that need the maximum attention.

Download the 5S Audit Sheet