Amity International Journal of Business Excellence

5S Implementation In Ceramic Dolls Manufacturing Factory

V. Shridhar | [email protected]

Unique No.: 2015-8

Keywords: 5S, Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke

5S is a systematic structured program implemented in industries to enhance productivity and turnover, creating a clean safe work space. This is Japanese technique simple inexpensive and easy to follow method.

Ceramic dolls making industry is situated at Vridhachalam in South India. They make ceramic dolls, idols of God, animals, birds for decorating the rooms in lavish bungalows and for traditional festivals. It is a family business. The owners of these industries are not rich, the infrastructure of these industries is poor with thatched roof and lot of space constraint. The ‘returns’ of their hard labour is meagre. The businessmen from big cities come and buy at a low price (with 10% profit) and sell at high price.

Government of India took up a project to implement 5S in these industries.

Objectives   :  The main objectives of 5S implementation were:

  • Enhance productivity
  • Enhance turnover
  • Improve quality
  • Enhance space utilization
  • Improve working conditions : Clean and Safe


5S was invented in Japan after the 2nd World War. It consists of 5 words starting with ‘S’:

  • 1S- Sort
  • 2S- Set-in-Order
  • 3S-Shine
  • 4S- Standardize
  • 5S-Sustain

5S Implementation was done in the following manner:

First Step: Diagnostic Study of the Industry was conducted

The factory was visited and the present state was observed after the preliminary discussion. The preliminary information was collected such as: name of the industry, the proprietor, year of establishment, products manufactured, turnover.

The process of manufacturing was studied and a flowchart was prepared, placement of raw material, moulds, paints etc. was observed. The place for working was checked.


  1. Raw material was kept in a haphazard way. All types of raw material were dumped at a place.
  2. Paints, glaze, moulds and other tools were kept everywhere in the shop floor.
  3. Employees worked wherever they found place.
  4. Rejected items, empty gunny bags, wooden platform used for transporting dolls for next operation were dumped everywhere.
  5. There was no place for walking in the shop floor.
  6. Equipment, machinery were dusty and dirty.
  7. Systematic cleaning or maintenance of equipment was not present.
  8. Processes & flow chart did not exist.

Problems faced:

  1. Searching for raw material, moulds, and paints was high.
  2. Shortage of space.
  3. Transportation & movement was difficult and a lot of time was wasted.
  4. No place for keeping finished goods.
  5. Working environment was dusty and dirty.


Second Step:

One Day Training on Awareness of 5S was conducted for all the employees. What is 5S? Their roles and responsibilities, benefits of implementing 5S were explained fully.


Third Step   :  Hand holding & implementation:  This was done in 5 Stages.

1S:  Sort

Activities Done:

In this all employees were asked to separate the ‘wanted’ & ‘unwanted’ items in their respective areas.

The ‘unwanted’ items were ‘Red Tagged’ and kept in a particular place.

The ‘Red Tag’ is a card giving details as: name of the item, why unwanted –broken, rejected, waste etc., what should be done: Rework/Rejected/ Reuse/Scrap

The ‘wanted’ items were segregated and kept in another place.

2S- Set-in-Order:

The ‘wanted’ items were classified as ‘raw material’, ‘tools’, ‘paints’ ‘glaze’ etc.

Activities in 2S;

  • Designating a place for ‘Raw material’, ’Paints’, ‘Glaze’, ‘Packing & Dispatch’ etc.
  • Labeling of the’ Designated’ place
  • Displaying Name of the Process in the place allotted: ‘Molding’ ‘Spray Painting’ ‘Cleaning & Washing’ etc.
  • Displaying Name of the sections for processes.
  • Labeling of Machine & Equipment, Electrical Switches etc.
  • “A Place for Everything in its Place” was ensured.


3S- Shine

Activities Done: Developing & Following of:

  • ‘Cleaning Schedule’ presenting the frequency of Cleaning : Daily, Weekly, Monthly etc. that will be followed for Machines & Equipment, Floor, Windows, Lights & Fans
  • Machine & Equipment Cleaning Chart :  Ensuring cleaning done regularly &  certified by Supervisor/Manager
  • Cleaning Chart for Utilities etc.

4S – Standardization

Activities Done:

  • Developing of ‘Standardization’ Chart
  • Monitoring of the different activities and maintaining the ‘Standardization’ Chart regularly.
  • Ensuring the  activities  in  ‘Standardization’ chart  followed  and  Action  taken  wherever  needed

5S- Sustain

Activities Done:

  • Developing a methodology to ensure 5S implemented is maintained.
  • Methodology developed to monitor employees to follow 5S
  • Regular 5S Training to all employees
  • Nomination of 5S Champions
  • Motivation to ‘Active’ 5S followers.
  • Conducting Audit regularly & action taken to mitigate the same.

Benefits of 5S Implementation:

The industries were highly benefitted by implementation of 5S. The benefits were:

  1. Extra Space Generated: 10% – Removal of ‘Unwanted’ items created space for utilization.
  2. Enhancement of Productivity by 15 %
  • Reduction of ‘Search’ time: “A Place for Everything and everything in its Place “, reduced the time of searching for items (Raw material/Paint/Tools etc.)
  • Reduction in travel time of employees within the shop floor; Gangways marked created easy access to the items and for movement of material.
  1. Reduction in ‘Downtime’ of Machines and Equipment by 15% – Regular cleaning of machines helped in detecting defects at early stage & repaired in short time.
  2. Increase in Morale of the employees
  3. Enhancement of Turnover by 10%

Before 5S Implementation Photos

Before 5s implementation photo

“Shuttle Kiln” to be labelled

Before 5s implementation photo

Area near the Machine to be cleaned

before 5s implementation photo

“Moulding” to be displayed

Before 5s implementation photo

“Finishing” to be displayed

Before 5s implementation photo

Before 5s implementation photo

Before 5s implementation photo

“Packing” to be displayed

After 5S Implementation Photos

After 5S implementation photos

“Shuttle Kiln” labelled

After 5S implementation photos

Process “Art” displayed

After 5S implementation photos

Part of Kiln labelled

After 5S implementation photos

Name of Equipment labeled

After 5S implementation photos

Raw material labelled

After 5S implementation photos

Name of Machine labelled

Forms, Charts & Checklists

Cleaning Schedule

A Machine Cleaning Daily
B Floor Cleaning Daily
C Yellow Line Marking Monthly


Machine Cleaning Chart

Month: ____________________
Machine/Equipment 1st Wk 2nd Wk 3rd Wk 4th Wk 5th Wk
S.No Description /Task YES NO Action to be taken Signature & date
1 Cleaning Chart followed & Updated
2 M\c Cleaning chart followed & Updated
3 Checking of Items placed in designated area
4 Visual Management : Labels/Sign boards are maintained
5 Training of  personnel  about 5S being done
6 5S Audit done monthly & Record kept
7 Involvement of people is there



5- S Maturity Assessment Checklist Scoring System
Area Assessed/ Audited Scale / # Problems Rating / Score
Date of Assessment High – 5 or more 1
Time of Assessment/ Audit 03-Apr 2
Name of Assessor/ Auditor 2 3
Name of Assesse/ Auditee 1 4
Low – None 5


Category Criteria Score Opportunity for Improvement
Sort/ Seiri Distinguish between what is needed and not needed    
Sort Through & Discard Unused Items                             Procedures are established to identify unnecessary items
Methods of waste disposal are established (Whether adopting segregation at source)
Unneeded equip., storage, furniture, etc. exist
Unneeded items on walls / bulletin boards, etc. exist
Aisles, stairways, corners etc. are free of items
Unneeded inventory,  papers, or materials exist (drawers / cabinets /  tables / storage areas)


Category Criteria Score Opportunity for Improvement
Set in Order/ Seiton A place for everything and everything in its place    
Use Labels, Lines, Signs & Colours to identify Normal vs. Abnormal Conditions                All items have a specific location
Equipment /machines , cabinets, work surfaces, and storage areas are clearly labelled and well organized
 Personal belongings and documents are placed  in a dedicated place and based on their necessity/( items on desk/ cupboard)
All items are placed in the proper location. Documents and Files be retrieved easily in a minute.
Fire Extinguisher  are placed properly
Lights are adequate
Electrical fitting, switches etc. are in proper order  & Indicated
Exits and fire extinguishers are obstacle free
All  items are labelled  uniquely
Aisle ways, workstations, equipment locations are identified and labelled


Category Criteria Score Opportunity for Improvement
Shine/ Seiso Routine discipline maintaining a clean and organized workplace    
Cleaning is a Method of Inspection, Look for Hidden Defects               Equipment, computers, work surfaces, and storage areas are clean
Cleanliness of name plates, doors, windows, glasses, fans, lights, walls
Garbage and recyclables are collected and disposed correctly
Stationery  are stored in designated   Cupboards
Odour, cleanliness, ventilation in toilets.
Shared areas are cleaned and maintained regularly. Frequency is proper.
Cleaning Charts  are update regularly &  Checked by 5S Champions


Category Criteria Score Opportunity for Improvement
Standardize/ Seiketsu  Method  for maintaining Cleanliness  Everywhere    
Standardize the Rules to Make 5S a Habit Specific cleaning and organizing tasks/ guidelines have been developed and assigned for the work Stations
Staff is trained and fully understands 5S procedures
5S standards are clearly displayed
Visual Management tools  used


Category Criteria Score Opportunity for Improvement
Sustain / Shitsuke Stick to the rules (self-discipline)    
Sustaining plans are developed to ensure accountability        Everyone is involved in the improvement activities
Standardized cleaning and work procedures are followed
5S documentation and instructions are current
5S audits occur regularly
Overall Comments (If Any) Total score achieved 0  
Total score 150  
5 S score in % 0