Amity International Journal of Business Excellence

Amity International Journal of Business Excellence

(Articles and Case Studies)

This is a peer reviewed eJournal. Click to view the editorial committee for Amity International Journal of Business Excellence

ISSN 2455 – 2801

Continuing its journey on the path of excellence, Amity Training and Consultancy is coming up with the very first issue of its eJournal, Amity International Journal of Business Excellence.

In the words of Booker T. Washington, “Excellence is to do a common thing in an uncommon way” hence this eJournal aims at keeping its readers abreast with such uncommon practices which we often term as best practices and innovations in the field of business excellence. The readers will find articles and case studies on how these concepts can be used in our day -to-day life and work.

This eJournal provides a platform to its contributors for sharing their experiences through research papers, case studies, articles from the field. This international eJournal provides an opportunity to its readers to expand their horizon and understand the various improvement practices world over.

Being the very first issue, it deals with the basics of applying lean six sigma principles for managing family expenses and also managing one’s weight. It showcases articles about the psychology behind job attrition, getting quality résumé through six sigma, managing others as a first time manager and rediscovering personal excellence through process excellence. It also deals with case studies on process improvement and 5S implementation.

We thank all the contributors for their valuable inputs.

Nidhi Ashish Gupta

Director & CEO – Amity Training & Consultancy

Unique No.




Managing My Family Monthly Expenses Through Lean Six Sigma

Sendil Mourougan


Rediscovering Personal Excellence Through Process Excellence

Ram Lonkar


Getting Into Role Of A First Time Manager

Sreehari Narasipur


Neither Organization Nor Boss… We Leave Sick Jobs Or For Better Prospects!

Paremvir Malik


Get Quality Résumé Through Six Sigma

Devdat  Kr. De


On Line / Auto Spinning In 300 Mtr. Roller Hearth Furnace To Remove Dents From Process Material

Devidas Pawar


How To Lose Weight Using DMAIC..?

Ajmal Maliyekkal


5S Implementation In Ceramic Dolls Manufacturing Factory

V. Shridhar