How to lose weight using DMAIC

How to lose weight using DMAIC?

Ajmal Maliyekkal | [email protected]

Unique No.: 2015-7

Keywords: Lean Six Sigma, Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control, DMAIC, How to lose weight using DMAIC


First of all our goal must be defined in proper words. In this fast growing era people are least conscious about healthy eating habits and qualified life style and this leads to obesity and other health problems. It’s not only caused by unhealthy food choices but also the improper metabolism. Here successfully managing your weight or maintaining a healthy weight can be tough. If you eat more calories than you burn, you gain weight. If you eat fewer calories than you burn, it’s easy to lose your weight.

Hence the Define phase can be summed up as “How to lose weight using DMAIC approach?”



In order to achieve our goal we have to measure our approximate weight. Consider the fact that scale reading may not be an accurate reflection of our body weight. It may subject to slight variations. A good advice is to check your weight after waking up or before eating breakfast. The scale weight is the sum total of true weight and weight variance.

Scale Weight = True Weight + Weight Variance

This weight variance is a value that adds or subtracts from your weight. Hence we take an average weight. We have to repeat the measurements several times in order to dictate our average weight.

Here Measure phase can be noted as my average weight is 165 lbs with height 5 feet 2 inches and age 20 years. My goal is to reduce it to 160 lbs. Is it possible or not? Let’s see.



When proceed to the Analyze phase we must find out what all factors constitute our increased weight. You are the only one who has to see it. Your honesty and good recording skills will help you analyze how your daily chores and food habits affects you, including what you do right and what needs adjustment. Without an accurate assessment and careful reflection, it is difficult to determine how various foods impact the way you feel and the rate at which you gain weight. Analyzing your actions and feelings will help you understand your body weight and help you make changes. This will require you to be in tune with your body. Watch out for the fried and fatty appetizers; the free accoutrements like breads, chips, crackers and dips; the fatty dressings and extras that accompany salads and yeah so tasty desserts!!

It’s better to keep a table or a chart to record our assessment. (Refer Table 1 : Factors)

Table 1 : Factors

Social Behavioural Environmental Physiological Factors
Reduction in exercise Consumption of fast foods Food advertising Mental illness
Sleep apnea Snacking Making of high density drinks, foods & Soft Thrifty gene
Food containing for much carbohydrates, sugar & fat Food addictions Social deprivation Defects
Disorganized eating patterns Life style changes Generic problems



From the monitoring and assessment we wrap up Analyze phase as follows: social and behavioural factors contribute almost 50% to our increased weight. Disorganized eating patterns, Fast foods like burgers, chips, chicken nuggets and soft drinks plays an important role in this. Study says junk food kills bacteria that protect against obesity, heart disease and cancer.



When all assessment is complete now comes Improve phase. This is a crucial phase to achieve our goal. Here we make smarter choices every day, adopt healthy lifestyle and develop new eating habits. First of all you have to train your brain to crave healthier food. A commitment must be done to replace high calorie foods with healthier, lower calorie alternatives. The key to low calorie foods is you can still have snacks without restricting, but everything in moderation. Foods under 100 calories is a best choice. Some suggestions given below:

  • 20 Olives – 68 calories
  • 2 Jaffa cakes – 90 calories
  • 1 Apple ( rich in soluble fibre) – 100 calories
  • Miso soup – 57 calories
  • Celery sticks stuffed with cottage cheese – 75 calories
  • 30 Grapes – 100 calories
  • 1 Melon – 88 calories
  • Dried Apricot ( full of fibre) – 100 calories
  • Tomato Soup – 74 calories
  • 25 Cherries – 100 calories
  • 8 Cashew nuts – 100 calories
  • Pink Wafer biscuit – 72 calories
  • 1 Pear – 100 calories
  • A medium corn on the cob – 100 calories
  • Slices of mango – 90 calories
  • A cup of blue berries ( strong antioxidant) – 83 calories
  • A bag of fruit flakes – 66 calories
  • 2 Kiwis – 58 calories
  • A glass of orange juice – 100 calories
  • 16 Strawberries – 58 calories
  • Medium Peaches – 76 calories
  • 1 hard-boiled egg – 78 calories

Eat vegetables raw or steamed, not fried or breaded and dress them with herbs and spices or little olive oil. Pour a little less cereal into your morning bowl to make room for some blue berries, strawberries or sliced bananas. You will still enjoy a full bowl, but with a lower calorie count. Swap out some of the meat and cheese in your sandwich with healthier veggie choices like lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers and avocado.

Social and other factors must be taken into account. Try exercise, yoga and meditation to get relief from stress. Pay attention while you are eating. Instead of chowing down mindlessly, eat slowly savouring the smells and textures of your food. Try not to eat while working, watching TV, or driving. It’s too easy to mindlessly overeat. Stop eating before you are full. Cook your own meals instead of taking restaurant and packaged foods. It’s better to turn off the TV and do easy exercises like squats, sit-ups, jogging in place etc. Then reduce your daily calorie intake by replacing soda, alcohol or coffee with water. Thirst can also be confused with hunger!

We follow our routine for one month. Let’s find out what happened? Yeah my scale weight shows a decrease of 5 lbs. That means 165 lbs is reduced to 160 lbs. Absolutely. Fantastic!


Control phase is also important. We have to maintain this healthy weight permanently. We decide to follow our routine for better results. To keep our diet on track, try to get about eight hours of quality sleep at night. We will use tools that help us to track our progress. Keep a food journal and weigh yourself regularly to ensure that we are on correct track. A little effort must be taken from our side to achieve a healthy body and mind. In my opinion if you are ready for it then no doubt you are achieved.



“OBESITY 101”, Lauren M. Rossen and Eric A. Rossen, Psych 101 series Springer Publishing Company, 2012